Fire Rescue Records, Incident Reports and Billing (2024)

The Miami-Dade Fire Rescue (MDFR) Records and Resources Bureau handles and processes all records requests for fire or medical incident reports and public records generated by the general public and the media.

Requests for fire or medical incident reports can be submitted in person or by mail.

To request a fire or medical incident report, the following information must be provided with your request:

  • The exact date, time, and location of the incident. Provide incident number if available. If you do not have the incident number, please call Central Records at 786-331-4900.

    If you do not have the exact date of loss, please provide us with incident location and approximate month and year of incident.

    For fire loss research on a property address or extensive fire property research (only on public places), please provide property location, date, and year parameters to be researched. A fee for extensive research may apply (for extensive property research fee schedule contact 786-331-4900).

    Note: Fire reports are public records with exception of arson investigation reports unless closed.

  • The exact date, time and location of the incident. Provide incident number if available. Patient’s full name, including alias if applicable.

    A copy of the police report and/or transport bill, if available.

    If the patient is a minor, the parent or legal guardian must provide legal documents stating guardianship or a birth certificate, along with a copy of the requesting parent/guardian driver’s license or legal photo ID.

    • If you were the person treated by fire rescue, include a copy of your driver’s license or legal photo ID with your request.
    • If the patient is deceased, a copy of the death certificate identifying the next of kin and/or legal documents of estate representative are required, along with a copy of the requesting family driver’s license, legal photo ID or attorney letter representing the estate.
    • If the requestor is a law firm or insurance company, a signed notarized medical authorization is required. If the patient is a minor, the parent or legal guardian must sign authorization and state the relationship to the minor under the signature. If the signature is not legible, please write or type the person’s name under the signature.

    Note: The data contained on the rescue patient reports is confidential medical information. It is exempt from Florida State Statutes 119.0, Public Records Law, and protected under Florida State Statutes 401.30, Medical Transport Law and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) Public Law 104-191, Privacy Rule 45CFR Part 160-1 64.

    Fee Schedule:

    Fee for a fire property report and rescue patient reports are a $1.00 per certified page (amount of pages per report will vary). Must contact our office at 786-331-4900 for total amount of report cost. Please include a check for the amount provided over the phone made payable to “Miami-Dade Fire Rescue”.

    Fee schedule per Florida Statutes, Chapters 119, section 119.07 (1) (a), and Miami-Dade County Administrative order 4-48 section 4.02, Home Rule Chapter.

  • In order to streamline processing, ensure accuracy, and track progress, it is preferable that public records requests are submitted in writing. Requests can be madeby mail, email or in person.You may also call us at 786-331-4903 to submit your public records request.

    Email requests should have the individual or company name and "Public Records Request" in the subject line. Members of themedia should use the media records email address.

    Public Records Custodian

    Miami-Dade County has a public records management toolthat allows you to request and track its status online. Create a new account or log in to submit and see updates to your public records requests.

    State or federal laws may prohibit us from providing the requested records due to medical privacy laws or other exemptions.

  • Copies ofoccupancy inspection reports and life safety inspection reports can be made available. These records provide information on commercial property inspections for various business occupancies and multi-unit residences for both new construction and existing structures.

    All records requested may be received in person at MDFR Headquarters, or they can be mailed or faxed. Estimated turnaround time after the request is received by MDFR is one week.

    For questions or inquires, please call the Fire Prevention Division at 786-331-4800.

  • MDFR does not charge a fee for any medical treatment delivered only on-scene. A fee is charged only if the patient is transported to a hospital. Patients transported by MDFR should contactIntermedix for any inquiries.

    Fees for copies of public records are established by Florida's Public Records law.

    • Single-sided pages - 15 cents each
    • Double-sided pages - 20 cents each
    • Certified Copies - $1 per page
    • Copies of pre-printed reports and other materials will be charged at the per copy cost billed to the department.

    Requests requiring research or processing time of more than 20 minutes will also have a service charge based on the cost of labor of the staff providing the service.

    Call the Records and Resources Bureaufor the total amount of the report fee and for the extensive property research fee schedule. Please include a check for the amount provided over the phone made payable to "Miami-Dade Fire Rescue Department."

    Mail your complete record request along with a self-addressed stamped envelope to Miami-Dade Fire Rescue Headquarters.

    For other type of incident reports or anyother information, call the Records and Resources Bureau.

  • Fire Rescue Records, Incident Reports and Billing (2024)


    How to get a FDNY incident report? ›

    The FDNY creates reports on its response to fire and other emergency incidents (including non-fire emergencies) occurring within New York City. The FDNY does not maintain records for incidents occurring outside of the City. You can obtain a copy of a Fire Incident Report: Online through NYC OpenRecords.

    What is a fire report? ›

    A typical fire investigation report includes the incident date, alarm and arrival time, address, estimated losses, type of building, possible human factors (if any) for ignition and the presence of any detectors.

    How do you record an incident report? ›

    What to include in a work incident report
    1. The date and time of the incident.
    2. The name of the witness or author of the report.
    3. A detailed description of the events.
    4. The names of the affected parties.
    5. Other witness statements or important information.
    6. The result of the incident.
    Jul 28, 2023

    How to get fire marshal report in NYC? ›

    Download forms and learn how to request Fire Department records. Call 311 or 212-NEW-YORK (212-639-9675) for help.

    How do you document an incident report? ›

    Basic Incident Information
    1. the names and positions of the people involved.
    2. the names of any witnesses.
    3. the exact location and/or address of the incident.
    4. the exact time and date of the occurrence.
    5. a detailed and clear description of what exactly happened.
    6. a description of the injuries.
    Aug 24, 2022

    What is the correct format for an incident summary? ›

    This may include listing the precise location of the incident. The introduction should give a vivid picture by highlighting what happened and who was involved. The body is often a chronological narration of the events related to the incident from the beginning to the end.

    How do you write an incident report on fire? ›

    To write a report on a fire accident one must mention the time and place where the accident took place, the reason behind the fire breakout, the amount of damage and the number of people injured/casualties (if any).

    How to investigate a fire incident? ›

    The Comprehensive Guide to the 7 Steps of Fire Investigation
    1. Initial Response and Scene Safety. ...
    2. Conducting the Preliminary Examination. ...
    3. Documenting the Fire Scene. ...
    4. Evidence Collection and Preservation. ...
    5. Interviewing Witnesses and Gathering Testimonies. ...
    6. Analysis of Fire Scene Findings. ...
    7. Reporting and Presenting Findings.
    Feb 13, 2024

    Do I need a fire report? ›

    It is important that buildings are designed to safeguard your investments and the people using them. A fire report is essential for building consent in New Zealand, documenting fire safety design and compliance with the NZ Building Code.

    How do you write a fire accident report? ›

    Start at the beginning. State who initially responded and the initial call for service. If additional units are added or the incident changed, describe what prompted the switch in the response. If there is a location change or an updated address after arrival, make sure to include the initial reported location as well.

    How do I write a fire investigation report? ›

    II. Observations
    1. Substantiate accidental fire cause by what existed at area/point of origin.
    2. Describe problem(s) that may have contributed to the fire.
    3. Establish condition of utilities.
    4. Eliminate multiple accidental causes, focusing on a single cause when possible.

    How do I write an incident security report? ›

    Incident Report Writing in the Security Industry: The Basics
    1. Header Information: Include the name of the security company or organisation you work for. ...
    2. Details of Reporting Officer: Full name. ...
    3. Details of Involved Parties: ...
    4. Incident Details: ...
    5. Nature of the Incident: ...
    6. Actions Taken: ...
    7. Witness Statements: ...
    8. Evidence:
    Nov 29, 2023

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